加拿大留学网 更新日期:2015-12-18 来源:liuxue86.com英属哥伦比亚大学英属哥伦比亚大学学费加拿大留学
【加拿大留学网(jianada.Liuxue86.com) - 加拿大留学费用】2016-2017英属哥伦比亚大学学费
If you want to know your tuition amount only (excluding housing, books, and student fees), refer to the chart below. Remember, though, this is only part of the picture. We recommend you use our cost calculator to get a realistic idea of what you will pay.
Canadian student fees represent tuition for the 2015-16 academic year, and international student fees represent tuition for the 2016-17 academic year.
Tuition amounts are correct as of December 2015. Check back regularly for updates.
Program | Credits in first-year full course load | Canadian students | International students |
Applied Science (Engineering) | 37 | $6,151.99 | $35,418.95 |
Architecture: Environmental Design | 36 | $5,985.72 | $36,430.92 |
Arts | 30 | $4,988.10 | $30,359.10 |
Commerce (Sauder School of Business) | 30 | $7,390.80 | $36,519.90 |
Dental Hygiene | 33 | $5,486.91 | $33,395.01 |
Dentistry (DMD) | N/A | $17,065.92 | N/A |
Education: NITEP | 30 | $4,988.10 | $26,399.10 |
Education: Twelve-month option | 60 | $11,109.60 | $48,958.20 |
Fine Arts | 30 | $4,988.10 | $30,359.10 |
Forestry: Forest Operations | 35 | $5,819.45 | $35,418.95 |
Forestry: Forest Sciences | 34 | $5,653.18 | $34,406.98 |
Forestry: Natural Resources Conservation | 31 | $5,154.37 | $31,371.07 |
Forestry: Resources Management | 30 | $4,988.10 | $30,359.10 |
Forestry: Wood Products Processing | 32 | $5,320.64 | $32,383.04 |
Forestry: Urban Forestry | 30 | $5,320.64 | $30,359.10 |
International Economics | 30 | $7,980.00 | $36,396.60 |
Kinesiology | 30 | $4,988.10 | $30,359.10 |
Land & Food Systems: Applied Biology | 32 | $5,320.64 | $32,383.04 |
Land & Food Systems: Food, Nutrition and Health | 32 | $5,320.64 | $32,383.04 |
Land & Food Systems: Global Resource Systems | 32 | $5,320.64 | $32,383.04 |
Law | 32 | $11,677.12 | $29,162.88 |
Master of Management Dual Degree | N/A | $27,355.00 | $39,595.00 |
Media Studies | 30 | $6,638.10 | $30,359.10 |
Medical Laboratory Science | 38 | $6,318.26 | $38,454.86 |
Medicine (MD) | N/A | $17,065.92 | N/A |
Midwifery | 35 | $5,819.45 | $35,418.95 |
Music | 34 | $5,653.18 | $31,414.98 |
Nursing | 48 | $7,980.96 | $48,574.56 |
Pharmacy (Entry-to-Practice PharmD) | 42 | $16,677.78 | N/A |
Science | 30 | $4,988.10 | $30,359.10 |
Social Work | 30 | $4,988.10 | $30,359.10 |
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- 所在位置:加拿大,
- 学校设置类型:综合性大学
- 成立时间:1908年
- 学历:预科 本科 研究生 网络课程
- 学校性质:公立
- 学生人数:46500人
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